Tuesday, 7 April 2020

More hailku

Latest haiku written since the start of self-isolation.

Cherry blossom time.
Drinking tea exhausted from
disassembling shelves.

Knees bent up, she reads.
Stretched beside me is the cat.
Time to meditate.

Spring. The day seems long.
Anxiously we order food.
The clocks change tonight.

Beautiful weather.
Will the virus come to us?
We have had our walk.

She sleeps in the chair.
I watch evening glide by.
Nothing to be done.

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Rules for my essay 'Mutatis Mutandis'

These are the rules of Welsh language mutation I've applied in my essay.
Soft mutation: nouns change after 'his', nouns and adjectives change after 'in', nouns change after prepositions, object of short form of verb (I've assumed present indicative) also changes. These are the mutations: c to g, p to b, t to d, g disappears, b to f, d to dd (th sound in Welsh), m to f.
Nasal mutation: place names change after 'in', nouns change after 'my'. Mutations: c to ngh, p to mh, t to nh, g to ng, b to m, d to n.
Aspirate mutation: nouns and adjectives change after 'and', nouns change after 'her'. Mutations: c to ch, p to ph, t to th.